Thursday, May 5, 2016

An aye for an eye! God answers "YES" to prayers for Pete's healing!

Although this is very belated in coming, our heartfelt thanks goes to all who prayed for the healing of Pete's eye, punctured by a wire. It happened a few weeks ago, while Pete was on the job, wiring a ceiling light box at the new church where he works everyday. What a scare that was! Gil, the director of Casa de la Esperanza, sent Pete to an ophthalmologist in nearby Cuauhtemoc, after Pete spent a very painful night of suffering. Three days later, Pete's eye was pretty much good as new! Glory to God, and thanks to all the saints who rallied!
Oklahoma team members, visiting Casa that week, drove into Anahuac to purchase antibiotic eye drops and eye patches. Jazmin, our bilingual teacher, accompanied us to the  doctor in Cuauhtemoc and interpreted. The children queried countless times with anxious eyes and hearts, "Como esta Pedro?"; "How is Pete?" Rodrigo and family, our resident Colombian missionaries, gathered round to pray, and Bertha, from the Oklahoma team, interpreted so we could understand. Our family at home prayed, and so did our church family at Calvary Belmar. Love for Pedro was obvious as the Oklahoma team broke into spontaneous applause when he returned to work. 

Enrique,  a bilingual staff member at Casa, accompanied us to the follow-up exam the next week. The doctor declared, "Mucho bien!" or "Much better!" All praise to God who is so faithful! What a visual for us, of the body of Christ, living and breathing and working together as it's designed by God to do!

1 Corinthians 12:26 "And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it."